Rhyno Mills

Church Street, Castleisland, Co. Kerry V92 TV07

Store Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 1pm, 2pm - 5:30pm
Sat: 8.30am -12.30pm

(066) 7141205

Feed & Farmstore

Grass Seed

Why should i Reseed?

So why should I reseed. Isn’t the field growing grass? Reseeding is extremely important to increase the productivity of any farm. The aim is to reseed 10-15% of your farm every year. While the best-performing farms can produce over 15t DM/ha, estimates suggest the national average level of production is just 9.1t DM/ha of grass. Research from Teagasc has shown that old permanent pasture produces on average 3t DM/ha/year less than perennial ryegrass dominated swards and are up to 25% less responsive to available nutrients such as nitrogen. High quality reseeds can deliver higher stocking rates, increased live-weight gain, faster regrowth’s, use nitrogen more efficiently and grow more grass at the shoulders of the year relative to permanent pasture. Grass quality and utilisation are also improved. At around €700/ha reseeding represents a significant investment but the returns are worthwhile. Reseeding will give you 3-5t DM/ha/year more in feed for livestock for 8 to 10 years before you need to reseed it again.

Grass Seed Varieties

Silage can provide high quality forage for winter feeding however, as with all crops, it depends on using the right varieties of grass and optimising soil conditions

Grass grown for silage has different needs to grass grown solely for grazing

Excellent pasture quality throughout the grazing season

Good grass leys whether for cutting or grazing are the foundation of every livestock enterprise