Sweetbite is formulated based on varieties which have superior palatability, grazeability and digestibility. Sweetbite has excellent early spring and late autumn growth. Sweetbite swards are easy to clean out pasture quality is excellent throughout the grazing season. Sweetgrass contains Abergain, Astonenergy, Aberchoice, Drumbo and a white clover blend. The tetraploid Abergain is known for its quality and yield. It is third on Teagasc’s PPI in 2021 with €212 ha/year. Astonenergy is one of the top varieties in terms of Teagasc grazing utilisation trait, It is a variety that has excellent clean outs with excellent digest ability and palatability. Aberchoice is the highest ranking late heading diploid on the PPI with a value of €182. Excellent in terms of quality and yield. Drumbo – Late heading diploid which is highly digestible and good ground cover scores White clover Blend – Coolfin and Crusader – Small and medium leaved clovers.